Sunday, 29 December 2013

Maillot Branding

Since I'm on a phase of branding perving, I thought it best to share this elegant morsel. Developed and created by Los Caballos, an Argentinian based design studio, this beautiful example of brand identity is for a company called Maillot is a make-up artists group. Without even knowing that, however, there's a definitive and unmistakable fashion industry flavour to this; A great choice of colour palette and the elegance of the mark do nothing but help re-enforce the theme with concrete solidity. Have a look through the rest of their Behnace portfolio here

B-A-S branding by Studio Otwarte

Enjoying the cohesive and fresh approach by Cracow based design house Studio Otwarte for B-A-S architecture bureau branding. Always been a fan of clean logomarks and this ranks right up there for me; there's a well thought-out visual language here too that effortlessly ties the brand together. You can check out more of their work on their website or on Behance.

Tuesday, 24 December 2013

Seasonal seasoning

Time to endulge in a little more deliciousness!Tis Christmass eve after all.Thanks to Annie for this!Loving the taste and the packaging!

In the words of Jonathan Ross...this could be 'whiskey'!

Happy Christmas and a very joyous and creative new year!

Saturday, 21 December 2013

Insane in the membrane...

Ok, that's not completely accurate, as they're called chromataphores; pigmented cells possessed by squids (not exclusively), allowing their spectacular colour change. Each cells is lined with 16 muscles that contract and expand, revealing or hiding a specific colour. Here's what happens when a squid listens to Cyprus Hill!

Bear in mind squids do not possess ears. The sound in this case has been converted to an electrical signal and gently applied to the squid tissue. As cool and mind blowing as this is, I was saddened to hear the squid was not alive, this experiment involves dissected tissue. At least there's no further stress caused to the squid.

You can read more about it on it's ok to be smart

'The video is a view through an 8x microscope zoomed in on the dorsal side of the caudal fin of the squid. We used a suction electrode to stimulate the fin nerve. Chromatophores are pigmeted cells that come in 3 colors: Brown, Red, and Yellow. Each chromatophore is lined with up to 16 muscles that contract to reveal their color.'

Friday, 20 December 2013

Anamorphic Type

A fantastic example of anamorphic set design...and typography rolled into one. Photographed for PwC Magazine by Christian Stoll.

Figured this was as good a message to mark the fact I'm just about to leave the office on Christmas Holidays!

Have a great one, or several!

Oona... rocks!

What a pleasant surprise to stumble across! Some seriously good craic editing here...and don't worry..they have the technology, they can rebuild her!

Thursday, 19 December 2013

More design advice...

Continuing on from the last post, here's a little more fucking design advice...

Available to buy, along with some other Good Fucking Design Advice products...Don't fucking procrastinate! 

What is design?

I've been asked this more times than enough, and heard more explanations than I've had cold pints and cups of coffee combined. The man and legend that is Dieter Rams puts it better than I've heard before...brethren, I bestow upon you THE 10 commandments...

Wednesday, 18 December 2013

Lick Uranus?

Would you ? Or shove Mercury in your mouth...or wrap your tongue around somebody's ring?...well if your talking about the planets, check these yokes out. Esty seller Vintage Confections has produced this excellent series of novelty lollipops.

A Mars a day and all that!

Sunday, 15 December 2013

Trip to London and Paris

Sifting through the laptop I stumbled across a few snaps taken on ye olde mobile phone. Taken during a lil break from work to go dandering around London and Paris, sampling the fine wares. From the hazy beer and wine fuelled memories that, I have I believe these are the result of mucking around with a free app called fxcamera, set on a random setting, so there was no control over the exposure,contrast or post processing...enjoyed that fact as it gave things a bit of the unexpected and unpredictable nature reminiscent of film photography.

Nothing too exciting in terms of subject and wasn't really trying to capture anything specific, just playing around with anything that caught my eye, sure have a wee looskie...